“Een kikker met glitter” is what I would call this. That’s Dutch for “a frog with glitter”.
Would you believe it if I told you that this is my first ever glitter nail polish? Well, it’s true. My life is full of weird, incomprehensible choices made, so having this little green frog as my first glitter polish just fits right into that pattern! My hubby didn’t think I was in the right frame of mind when I bought this bottle.
But you know what? I think it looks good on nails, and even better in the sun, as shown in these pictures. The glitter particles are quite sparse, me thinks, compared to some other glitter polishes that I've seen on your nails. That's fine by me.
I applied three coats, forgot to use a top coat (aah, the story of my life!) and got a dent in the corner of my index finger in no time (you can see it if you looked at the first photo closely). Duh, lesson learnt when applying glitter polish!
I applied three coats, forgot to use a top coat (aah, the story of my life!) and got a dent in the corner of my index finger in no time (you can see it if you looked at the first photo closely). Duh, lesson learnt when applying glitter polish!
Okay, I now understand the fascination for glitter nail polishes. It’s the colours reflected in the glitter particles, isn’t it? At a glance, you would see mainly yellow glitters in Green Hawaii but if you look closely, you’ll see blue, turquoise, red and even orange specks.
I never thought I’d ever say this but, gee, this is one pretty glitter kikker.
I never thought I’d ever say this but, gee, this is one pretty glitter kikker.
This is really pretty. I think Gosh is another company that creates some really different/interesting/cool colors.
Welcome to the world of Glittah!
Haha, well, maybe it's a weird choice for your first glitter nail polish but I have to say that it's an unusual colour for nails and also pretty. My first and only glitter nail polish is Absolutely Alice, from the OPI Alice in Wonderland collection and I love it, but it takes forever to take it off! Have a nice weekend!!!
Ah, I'm so glad I've been initiated! :D
I suspect not many people would agree with both of us, but yeah, I find this polish surprisingly pretty. And yes, getting it off wasn't much fun. I'm just thankful that this one's not too dense with glitter. I hope you'll have a fabulous weekend too, Naoko!
This is a lovely color. Perfect for Earth Day!
It's simply a fun green, but it is a bit late now for Earth Day this year. :)
It is pretty and I like it all the more for your frog reference. I bought my first glitter nail polish a few months back. It's China Glaze's Cleopatra. I love to look at it too when the sun is shining on my nails. I should post about it - been meaning too. Thanks for the inspiration:)
My pleasure! It's funny how we would actually remember that a particular polish we bought is our first glitter polish. :D Oh, I'd love to see Cleopatra on your nails! Do show!
I have de kikker met glitter ook. It's a nice glitter polish. I did a swatch this afternoon with this one and on top of the frog with glitter i did Nfu Oh 043. Looks nice :)
The shade is so gorgeous! Awesome choice for first glitter nail polish :D
Lol...ya it looks like "a frog with glitter" :D
What an unusual color....I love it! Gorgeous
Whatt?? First glitter nail polish? Nooo... haha. I live for glitter nail polishes (for some reason that sounds more wrong than it actually is when I wear it =\)
Very gorgeous shade of green, very eye poppin' stuff!
@Nail 4 Stars
Oh my, I'm sure the layering that you did would have looked fantastic!! :)
Thanks! I'm glad you approve! :D
That's how it usually is with green nail polishes. You don't really like it till you've had it on your nails. Heh heh!
What?? Natalie loves glitter nail polishes?? Gosh, I never knew! :D
Oh! what a pretty glitter polish from Gosh!
Gosh is currently doing 3 for 2 offer on their nail paints, I must take advantage of it!hehe xoxo
@The Beautifier
I hope you'll get some fab colours from GOSH with this special offer! :D
That's so gorgeous!!!! I discovered that brand only recently, the colors are so amazing!
Yeah, GOSH does have some fantastic bold nail colours in its collection. I'm glad that you've discovered them! :D
The Glitter Green is beautiful, looks fresh and healthy makes me want to eat green veggies!
Haha! That's funny. :D
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