This giveaway is now closed and all comment entries have been removed. Thank you.
I hope I’ve got your interest piqued through my articles on MuLondon in recent weeks. Natural, cruelty-free, vegan, 100% active ingredients, free of chemical additives and organic. MuLondon moisturisers are so safe that four of them scored 0 and one scored only 1 in the Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database assessment (scores of 0-2 means low hazard and 7-10 means high hazard).
Now, how would you like to win yourself a jar of its handmade natural organic moisturiser?
Image courtesy of MuLondon
Boris of MuLondon has been very kind to offer 3 jars for a giveaway to my readers! Thank you, Boris! Each winner gets to choose which one of the five available moisturisers he/she would like to try. Would you like to try rose or perhaps, the yummy white chocolate truffle, amongst others?
Boris would also love to hear from you. You see, he’s always busy concocting formulae for new products but he’d like to know what natural fragrances you would love to see in his future products.
So, here’s the information on the giveaway:
1. Open internationally.
2. Open to all my followers, as seen on Google Friend Connect (GFC – see sidebar). If your name in the comment is different from what’s on GFC, you must let me know what your name on GFC is.
3. Visit the MuLondon website to find out more about the five moisturisers available. Pick one that you are most curious about.
4. Then, come back to this post. For one basic entry, please leave a comment under this post stating:
• which moisturiser you would most like to try (the one that you picked from visiting the MuLondon website)
• one natural fragrance that you would most like to see used by Boris in his products in the future
• your email address
• your Google Friend Connect name, if it’s any different from the name you use in this comment.
5. Optional
Help spread the word about MuLondon! The brand so deserves more fans (no, Boris didn’t ask me to say this). Here’s what you can do to help, with each action earning you one extra entry:
• featuring this giveaway on your blog. Feel free to include the photo above.
• tweeting about this giveaway
• following MuLondon on Facebook
• following MuLondon on Twitter
Please comment here to let me know which you have done. You may do one or all, it's up to you. Please list them out briefly and provide links where relevant. You may do it all in one single comment or in separate comments.
6. Special
For each comment that you have left on my two previous MuLondon posts prior to the announcement of this giveaway, you will get one extra entry. However, please submit your basic entry (refer to No. 4) by leaving your comment here so that I know you wish to participate. Otherwise, your previous comment(s) will not be taken into account.
I’m doing this because I know commenting takes time and effort, and I really appreciate the support that you’ve shown for Boris’ labour of love and for those articles.
7. Failure to fulfil the requirements would result in disqualification. I will check.
8. This giveaway will be open for fifteen days, so please leave your comments by latest Friday, 28th May 2010 at 11.59pm (Central European Time).
9. Three winners will be drawn randomly using the Boris Number Generator (I’m giving him the honour of picking the winners this time). I will have the list of entries arranged either in chronological order or in reverse chronological order. Boris, who will not know how I’ve arranged the entries, will give me three random numbers.
10. The results will be announced on Sunday, 30th May 2010. I will contact the three winners by email. If I don’t hear back from a particular winner within 72 hours, another winner will be chosen.
11. Boris will send the prizes out directly to the winners. He will take every care in sending out the packages but neither Boris nor I will be held responsible in the event that the package goes missing in transit or arrives damaged.
Good luck, everyone!
Note: If you missed them, you may want to check my write-ups on MuLondon’s Organic Hemp Moisturiser and its Organic Rose Moisturiser.