Before I get on with something not related to nail polishes, here's a quick post continuing the KOH Fantasy series.

Gotta love how opulent KOH Rich looks! No matter how many purple polishes I've seen, I could never get tired of this colour on nails. I've got the usual two coats on here.
Rich twinkles a bit in sunshine. I was lucky with the timing and managed to take this one shot when the sun appeared from behind the clouds for all of eight seconds on a miserable, cloudy day.
Rich twinkles a bit in sunshine. I was lucky with the timing and managed to take this one shot when the sun appeared from behind the clouds for all of eight seconds on a miserable, cloudy day.

This polish was provided by KOH Cosmetics.
Previous Fantasy polish: KOH Skinny
Next Fantasy polish: KOH True Love
Previous Fantasy polish: KOH Skinny
Next Fantasy polish: KOH True Love
Gorgeous! <3
This looks faboulous! Gorgeous gorgeous colour :)
What a fantastic color. Certainly leaves a statement.
Really pretty! Love the sparkle in this!
Waanzinnig mooi! Zeker weten, dat ik deze ga kopen. Kan niet wachten. Groetjes
I see purple polish...I come to have a look and drool! Beautiful! "KTee"xx
Super! Wat een top collectie. <3
I love dark purples, like you I never get tired of purples. I hope you had a great weekend. Take care, Nicole x
@Elsa P.
I'm pleased you like this polish, ladies. Yay for purples! :D
It looks good as it is but it looks even better in sunshine. :)
Ah, het is moeilijk om deze paarse lak te weerstaan, hè? Ik vermoed dat de Fantasy collectie al in de twee KOH winkels ligt. Ga maar eens kijken als je toevallig in de buurt bent. Groetjes! :)
Purple polishes tend to have that effect on us all. Heh heh! :D
Goed dat je deze paarse lak ook mooi vindt, Esther. Rich is zeker een aanrader! :)
We could never say no to purples, huh? Apologies for this late response. This past week has been kinda wacky. Hey, I hope you're having a good week, Nicole! :)
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