Let's take a look at KOH Midnight Blue, something from KOH's permanent collection for a change.

In the run-up to the investiture of the Dutch king this coming Tuesday, KOH has been highlighting four of their permanent shades, three representing the Dutch flag colours and, of course, KOH Dutch, an orange, an absolute must around Queen's / King's Day.

These polishes were kindly provided by KOH Cosmetics.
The three colours that KOH has picked out to represent the Dutch flag this time around are the classic KOH Red, the pristine white KOH Crystal and the broody KOH Midnight Blue.
KOH Midnight Blue is a lovely one, especially if you like broody colours. It's like looking into a metallic night sky that is chockful with stars. It's a dark blue with a little green tint. I've got two coats on here.
The three colours that KOH has picked out to represent the Dutch flag this time around are the classic KOH Red, the pristine white KOH Crystal and the broody KOH Midnight Blue.
KOH Midnight Blue is a lovely one, especially if you like broody colours. It's like looking into a metallic night sky that is chockful with stars. It's a dark blue with a little green tint. I've got two coats on here.

For the red-white-blue colours. I didn't want to do something 'flaggy' like I did last year. So, I gave water-marbling a whirl.
Oh, water-marbling! You could say water-marbling is fun and unpredictable. You never know how it would turn out. I'll admit though it's not something I would do often. It's tedious and it's messy (even with tape). I'm sure it's nothing new to you but if this is unfamiliar territory, you can check out Youtube to see how the water-marbling gurus do it. I admire their patience and dedication.
Oh, water-marbling! You could say water-marbling is fun and unpredictable. You never know how it would turn out. I'll admit though it's not something I would do often. It's tedious and it's messy (even with tape). I'm sure it's nothing new to you but if this is unfamiliar territory, you can check out Youtube to see how the water-marbling gurus do it. I admire their patience and dedication.

This water-marbling was done on a white base of KOH Crystal. KOH Red turned out to be very dominant in the end result but I don't mind. One can't go wrong with a classic red, swirls or no swirls.

As for the orange, I didn't include it in the marbling. I just added a touch of it in the corner to give it a Dutch feel.
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KOH midnight blue is a beaty and OMG your water-marbling really looks stunning. I looove it. "KTee"xx
Ik vind het resultaat van de water marbling echt gaaf geworden. Wat een mooie rode kleur. Echt heel apart hoor! <3
@Nequéren Reis
Thanks for dropping me a line. :)
You're very kind to say that, KTee. Many thanks. You should give it a try, if you haven't already. You never know what design you'll end up with but be warned about the messiness. :D
Hoi Esther! Bedankt voor je compliment! Ik kreeg er vieze vingers van, maar deze water-marbling was zeker een leuke ervaring. :)
Cool water-marbling kunstwerkje!
Oranje kan in de lente en zomer wel lekker fris zijn, maar ik ben niet echt een fan van oranje lakken. Die blauwe kleur vind ik wel schitterend.
Fijne koninginnedag, groetjes x
Hartelijk dank, Nikki! Ik hou van donkere kleuren, dus die donkerblauw bevalt me ook heel goed hoor.
Het was gisteren een leuke dag. Ik hoop dat je een gezellige dag hebt gehad, ook met het mooie weer! Groetjes! :D
Gorgeous blue and love the marbling too.
Thanks so much, Diana! It's been a while, I hope you've been well. :)
Awesome photos and your nails look fab. take care, Nicole x
Many thanks, Nicole. Have a great week ahead! :)
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