Surprise: Winner of Catrice Purplelized Nail Polish

After the little surprise giveaway featuring Teeez Smooth, I just thought I'd hold another unannounced one.

This time, it's the turn of Catrice Purplelized, that lovely silvery purple aubergine polish which I showed a week and a half ago. Those in the running are the ladies who left comments on that post up to the time of publication of this winner announcement.

I have again enlisted the help of The Hat. The list of names is as follows:

The names were shuffled around and the winner picked by The Hat was:

It's your lucky day today, sugar sugar! Congratulations! Catrice Purplelized is now yours. Please contact me with your postal details soon.

That's it for now. Expect the unexpected, ladies. You never know when the next surprise will come.

Further reading:
My post featuring Catrice Purplelized


BlackCherry said...

Congrats Sugar Sugar!!

I really enjoy unexpected giveaways, thanks!!

Skulda said...


BellasUnhaseCia said...

uau Sugar Sugar
Parabéns, é lindo esse esmalte Catrice Purplelized!!!


WOW Sugar Sugar!!!
Congratulations, is beautiful
Catrice Purplelized

sugar sugar said...

YAYYY!!! xD Emailed ou dear. Thank you so much Magic Hat LOL! :D

Witoxicity said...

Thanks, ladies, for leaving kind messages for sugar sugar! :)

@sugar sugar
Once again, congratulations to you! :D