I'm beginning to lose count now how many facelifts the KOH Experience Shop in Amsterdam has had in the past couple of years.
Back in August, I was told that the KOH Shop would get a new look in autumn. I dropped by the shop last week for a meeting and the following are some shots of the shop. Note: This visit was made at my own cost.

The shop has retained its black glossy furnishings but (what I fondly called) the Walls of Joyful Colours have been given a metamorphosis. There is now only one Wall of Joyful Colours which looks substantially different from the previous version. It is now with slanted display shelves with crevices for the nail polish bottles on display. Each of these slanted sections slides out revealing a drawer filled with KOH polishes.

The shelves for the nail and body care products have undergone only some minor changes.

On the righthand side of the shop, opposite the slanted Wall, there is now an LED glowing display platform with three tiers which changes colour several times per minute (see also the very first image above). The three tiers are packed with KOH polishes. It gives the impression that there are so many KOH nail polish colours in the range, but that's just an impression. There are repeats in the colours. It is visually very impressive though.

The manicure table and the high velvet chairs in the middle of the KOH Shop look the same as before, so I didn't take any pictures of them (you can view them in the write-up of my visit in November 2010). I was told that the metamorphosis isn't complete yet as they are in the process of re-designing the manicure table as well.

Once again, here's the address of the shop in Amsterdam:
KOH Experience Shop
2nd Floor, Bijenkorf Amsterdam
Dam 1
1012 Amsterdam
There is good news for those who do not live in Amsterdam. There is now a KOH Experience Shop in de Bijenkorf in the city of Eindhoven.
de Bijenkorf
Piazza 1
5611 AE Eindhoven
Stay tuned for more on KOH.
My previous visits to the KOH Shop:
November 2009
January 2010
November 2010
All images belong to Witoxicity.
KOH Experience Shop
2nd Floor, Bijenkorf Amsterdam
Dam 1
1012 Amsterdam
There is good news for those who do not live in Amsterdam. There is now a KOH Experience Shop in de Bijenkorf in the city of Eindhoven.
de Bijenkorf
Piazza 1
5611 AE Eindhoven
Stay tuned for more on KOH.
My previous visits to the KOH Shop:
November 2009
January 2010
November 2010
All images belong to Witoxicity.
Hello dear!
Of all the brands of nail polish that I see on blogs that are the most desire of Koh.
The colors are beautiful, the jars a charm ...
It's a shame we do not have the brand in Brazil.
(I'm using google translator)
In Portuguese
Olá querida!
De todas as marcas de esmalte que vejo nos blogs a que mais desejo são os da Koh.
As cores são lindas, os vidrinhos um charme...
Gostaria de ter um de cada!! :)
É uma pena não termos a marca aqui no Brasil.
(Estou usando o tradutor google)
Yeah, the one in Eindhoven opened somewhere in September if I remember correctly. Hadn't seen the Amsterdam facelift yet though :o. It looks nifty, especially the tiered display :o. Need to visit the store soon-ish :D!
Wow Anne, everything looks amazing!!!! Too bad I can't find anything from KOH in Canada. Would you be interested in a swap, in case you want something from here that you dont get in Amsterdam (nothing too heavy in weight, of course. Let me know!!
That's a very nice thing to say, Cris. I'm sure that if the folks at KOH read this, they would be very happy to know that they have a fan in Brazil. I trust that you've been enjoying the Rain Forest that I sent you from the giveaway. :) Btw, I hope you realise that the KOH online shop offers international shipping, as outlined in this post: Guidelines On Where To Buy KOH Nail Polish. Beijos! :)
You're right. I was told that the Eindhoven KOH Shop opened just a few weeks ago. I haven't seen the shop yet but I think the interior looks like the previous interior of the KOH Shop in Amsterdam. It's great that KOH is expanding. I hope they'll open more shops in other cities. I mean, it's not always convenient for most of us to trudge to Amsterdam to oggle at the Wall of Joyful Colours, right? :D
@Adorable On Your Vanity
Hi, Shivani! I hope you've been well. I know what you mean. I feel like a child entering a candy store every time I walk into the KOH Shop and I'm pretty sure many ladies feel the same. I'm unfortunately not interested in a swap at the moment. In fact, I'm still in the middle of two ongoing swaps and, due to various reasons, neither is progressing as smoothly as hoped.
As I was telling BellasUnhaseCia (comment above), KOH does offer international shipping. I wrote an article on this in the hope that it would help ladies all around the world to have access to KOH products. I've read many of your posts and I can tell that KOH products would be perfect for your taste! Here's the article (if you're interested): Guidelines On Where To Buy KOH Nail Polish. Have a lovely week ahead, my dear! :)
I'm drooling all over my keyboard! :D
This shop looks so stylish and look at the color range, beautiful and indeed joyful. I Love the new Wall of Joyful Colours with the crevices for the bottles. A perfect fit!
Awesome photos my dear, as always. Looks like an advertisement in a magazine.
Great job and thanks for showing this new look. Take care, Nicole x
New look, new post! Great, I always enjoy looking at your interior pics of shops and this shop looks very classy. The color changing LED display is so cool and I love your awesome pics of the bottles on the tiers. The close-ups of the bottles in the wall of joyful colors are stunning as well.
Hugs "KTee"xx
I need , i need, i need :D
Hey, here's a towel to wipe the drool off. We don't want your keyboard to suffer liquid damage, do we? ;D
Thank you very much for the very encouraging words, Nicole! I'm grateful that the KOH staff allowed me to snap some photos of the made-over shop. It's great that you like how it looks. Definitely drool-worthy! You take care too! :D
I'm pleased you enjoyed reading this post, KTee. Thanks so much for the kind words! A classy interior makes for classy photos, so it was quite easy to take nice shots there. When you have the chance, do pay the shop a visit, even if it's just to admire the display. [hugs] :D
@Ná Ortega
Hello! Ah, I see I've whetted your appetite for KOH! :D
OMG de winkel is waanzinnig mooi. Hele mooie foto's zeg! Ik ga binnenkort naar A'dam en ik wip zeker even langs om het met mijn eigen ogen te zien.
Ik vond je foto's van de flakies zo mooi dat ik er zelf een paar heb gekocht. Groetjes!
OMG everything looks amazing! It actually looks like a bar in 2 of those pics. It must be like heaven for nail polish junkies hehe
Hey, bedankt voor je compliment over de foto's, Nikki! :D Je moet de winkel zeker een keer gaan bewonderen. Wauw, het is leuk om te horen dat je ook een aantal van hun flakies hebt gekocht. Mooi, hè? :D Groetjes!
Haha, that was exactly what I called it the first time I visited the shop in 2009. It is indeed a nail polish heaven. :)
Aww that's totally fine :) Nah, I'd rather just visit Amsterdam and kill two birds with one stone :D
@Adorable On Your Vanity
Well, shopping at the store would be so much more fun, I gotta say! :D
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